Wednesday, August 1, 2007

If only you believe in Miracles...

Ever since her selection as Tsunku's ace, or "miracle," from the 2005 Morning Musume auditions, Kusumi Koharu has been something of a controversial member. Fans expecting the second coming of Gocchin were gravely disappointed; the 13-year-old Koharu was an awkward, gangly teen with no real natural aptitude for singing or dancing.

Or volleyball.

What she did have in spades, though - and I'm sure Tsunku recognized this - is what I call idol quality.

By idol quality I mean charisma, of course, but specifically those charismatic traits that are relevant to the pop idol world. And to be clear, idol quality is toned quite a few notches down from star quality which describes a person who's almost divinely charismatic. Those rare beings with star quality practically compel you to love them, whereas J-idols humbly invite your adoration. If an H!P member, for instance, radiated too much star quality, it would diminish her girl-next-door appeal.* There's a subtler, more delicate aesthetic at work in the floating world of Japanese idols.

Certainly personality plays a huge role in idol quality. It also has a lot to do with looks but is not necessarily about beauty. And it's usually easier to recognize than to describe.


I'll be using this blog to help me focus my thoughts on topics like idol quality and why I feel it's more important in H!P-styled J-pop than raw beauty or talent; why Koharu is so awesome (as well as several other oft-maligned members); et cetera, et cetera...

I can't promise that it will be consistent or coherent - in fact I can almost assure you that it won't be. Hah!


* For the record - and IMHO - the only H!P performer with undeniable star quality is Ayaya. And it suits her just fine.


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